
APELL - Volume 6 Issue 3

Year-end Review

We approach the end of yet another year on the calendar, and another busy year for the Association and its Executive.

We can boast the largest membership in our association history. With late arrivals, and our fall membership drive which is now under way, we finish the year with over 70 members, and our members now represent a strong and clear majority of the property owners of Lake Latourelle. And while we wish we could say the same for Lake Morissette, we see some improvement over the past years. In fact, the number of members from that lake is also at the highest level.

We are now on the Internet. We have received numerous congratulations in regard to the quality of the website, and we should indeed be proud. If you have not yet visited the site, we invite you to do so. (

We have finally completed a consolidation of the APELL constitution, and the updated version, in both official languages, now appears on our website. Printed copies are available upon request.

Our mapping project of Latourelle Lake is also now completed and is displayed in the President's cottage office. We will be bringing it to all future general meetings.

Our association now has new signs which we hope by spring will be on display at each end of our sphere of influence on Chemin du Lac Long. At the north-east end, it will be situated at the corner of Traverse du Lac Long, while at the south-west end, it will be situated across from Alban Cousineau's home, slightly past Gaston's barn on the way to the depanneur.

We have also started putting up the "caution swimmer" signs around the lake. The two "no fire" signs are also ready for use next spring, as well as four signs advertising the general meeting.

We continue to attend every council meeting during the year and in this manner, we are able to keep up with any new developments. Our simple presence is also felt on council, where we are slowly achieving a greater recognition for the work we do, and the people we represent.

We prepared and presented to council a report detailing our reservations with regards to the 5 year urban land use plan and we were able to influence the municipality into adopting more environmentally sound guidelines to present to the MRC.

This past summer, we held our association elections under the recently amended rules. We are happy to report a greater turnout of members to cast their ballot, and more candidates presented themselves for office. A great success.

Meetings for 1998

The following are the dates for meetings next year. Executive Meetings are each at 7:30 p.m., while General Meetings are always held on Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m., at the recreation hall on Lac Long Rd. If you have a subject you wish discussed at any Executive meeting, let us know ahead of time, by contacting any member of the Executive.

Executive meetings

General Meetings

Other Scheduled Events

The annual lake(s) clean-up day will be on July 12, 1998. The third annual children's picnic will be held on Aug. 9, 1998. And the annual adult picnic will be on Aug. 16, 1998. More details on these events will be in your spring newsletter - watch for it.

Association Clothing

Fran still has a good inventory of clothing bearing the various lake crests. For your last minute gifts, why not give her a call.

La Paysanne Restaurant re-opens

On Friday, Oct.17, 1997, the only restaurant in Blue Sea village, La Paysanne, re-opened under new ownership. Micheline Camirand, chief cook, and her husband Robert, a couple from Amos, Que., took over the operations. They are now living in the apartment over the restaurant. They bring with them over 20 years experience in the food industry. While they initially will utilize the former menu, Micheline likes cooking a certain amount of 'haute cuisine' so they plan on adding to the menu at a later date with their own items. They have modified the interior extensively. The cooking is now done behind the front counter, where the owners can keep a constant eye on things. The former kitchen area has been transformed into an elevated dining lounge. For the moment, they will continue to prepare all former menu items, including pizza. They invite take-out orders, and reservations for the dining lounge are also welcome. Another plus is their expanded hours of operation. They will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. For reservations, or advance preparation of take-out, call 463-9992 (temporary). Their english is unfortunately limited, so please make sure they understand you. (They have purchased one year's advertising space from us, as well as both becoming honorary members of the association.) We invite you to give them a try at your earliest opportunity.

Cross-country skiing in Blue Sea

The municipality maintains an extensive length of cross country ski trails all winter. This year, we are happy to reproduce the official map of these trails, both in this newsletter as well as on our internet site.

The big fish of Blue Sea

On June 28th, this summer, two teenagers staying at the Barbe campsite caught a whopper of a sturgeon in the stream leading from Lake Perreault to Lac Blue Sea. The large sturgeon weighed 84 lbs. and measured 63 inches in length. It apparently took them over one hour and one-half to land the fish. The lake already has a certain reputation for large previous catches, including a 45 pounder some years ago. The large fish looks like a shark, but in fact is totally inoffensive, since it has no teeth. In fact, it is a bottom feeder who spends its time cleaning the lake. But what an experience it must have been to land the thing. We are happy to reproduce a picture of the event for you on the internet site.

Municipal News

The October municipal council meeting was again taken up with Mr. Remi St.Laurent's C.A.T.E.L.I. project to create a regional park in the Lac des Iles area. He was asking council to reconsider the project in light on new developments. Council had decided to indeed allow reconsideration, but at a closed future meeting. That meeting was help in camera on Monday, October 20, 1997. Our association sent a strong, lengthy condemnation of the project to the individual councillors, and it apparently had an effect. Council again unanimously rejected his project. Our informed sources tell us that Mr. St.Laurent is about ready to give up. We can only hope so, but we will maintain our vigilance.

Winter Ice Fishing

We again remind honest fishermen that you are allowed a maxium of 5 rods (a bascule) when fishing on the ice. You must be in full view of all five at all times. They are not allowed to remain unattended overnight. Fish and game wardens will be monitoring our lake over the winter and, if you are caught contravening regulations, it could be very costly. It is also illegal to make a fire on the lake and to abandon any debris on the ice.

A Wandering Wharf

On the weekend of Nov. 10, a long (25 foot) wharf, driven by the wind, floated into the bay where the dam is located. It initially lodged itself on the long strip of land where the lodge was to be built. There it was retrieved by Morris Richardson and his weekend assistant and brought over to his property. It remains there, tied for the winter. Anyone missing a dock should contact Morris and arrange to retrieve it in the spring.

Farewell from Fran

As I sit here and ponder the last three years as Vice President, the one thing that comes to mind is the pride you all showed by purchasing and wearing the Lake Association apparel. Thanks to all of you the association will establish longevity and continuity in our soon to be "retirement community" [editor's note: don't age us too soon!].

I love our lake and its clean environment away from the city smells, dirt and noise.

Cottage life kinders a warmth for nature within me, as I sip my morning coffee - the peaceful quiet of the lake, the sounds of the crickets, loons and frogs. 40 to 50 Evening Grosbeak eat out of my four bird feeders only for a moment. The hummingbirds, finches, canaries, and blue jays take my breath away and the black flies, mosquitoes, horseflies and deerflies take my blood, aw but so what! Its been fun meeting new people and making friends along the way.

Ah, the position of Vice president. Selling clothes wasn't my main goal. Actually for a while, waiting around for Morris Richardson to croak was boring and no fun at all. So I got involved, got creative and began to feel part of our community. Seeing environmental concerns by all of us gathering together for a purpose was awesome.

At the cottage there is spare time, by that I mean my space - my time to unwind from the stress, pollution and ugliness of a cold, cemented, busy city.

As soon as we hit Sussex drive, the heaviness of the city consumes me and the floating on air feeling disappears, the weight of stress bogs me down once again. I sigh and think to myself, life at the cottage returns as soon as Friday does and dollars dance before my eyes and with it affordability to retire to Gods Country.

While I have my pen in hand, Jim asks that I thank the following people who donated their money and time for sizing up fish, making food and seeing that adults & children had prizes at the picnics: Frank Capello, Chris Juteau, André Lirette, Rita Lingen, Paddy Pooh Pooh Whelan, Lise Tremblay, Terry Sametz, Lise Parent, Jackie Tremblay.

I would also like to publicly thank the various auto dealers around Ottawa for their contributions of gifts for the picnics: Myers Motors Ltd., Dan Donnelly's Ottawa Ford, Turpin Pontiac Buick Ltd., and Capital Dodge Crysler Ltd. Great prizes from great dealers!

While on the subject, here is a list of the results of the Fish Derby:

The adult picnic was a blast! They played bocchi, volleyball and dreamed of fish. They had horse races (the horses were brought in on a loaner from good old Frank Capello; there were six I believe) and they were fast; well not quite all. Hot Boat never made it round the track once, it never even made a beginning. Actually it was a dead one - the whistle blew and it didn't run. I believe Mr. Whelan took it for burial. We wish to thank you and Frank for your efforts.

Patrick and Rita had a race of their own at the children's picnic. On the count of 3 the race began: Patrick started at breakneck speed and that's just what he did - he took a flying leap and fell. Rita is ahead, runs back to pick him up off the ground, see's he's okay and dashes to the finish line - and yes its all on video. The kids got a good laugh and one yells "How about the kids against the adults". I reply "You want us all to end up like Patrick?".

We are happy to report that Chris Juteau's hand (which needed several stitches) is healing well after he took a spill playing volleyball. Maybe next year we can sit around a campfire telling ghost stories or get a horse and buggy ride and leave the playing to the younger generation. They managed several activities without a single accident. Do you think that's why none of us did any fishing ?

It has been a splendid season - Jim and I wish you all a safe winter and prosperous New year. I still have the responsibility of sales where our clothing is concerned. They make wonderful Christmas presents, Easter and birthday gifts. To place an order, you may call on us at any time at our cottage on Croissant de l'Apell off Lacasse street or at home at 727-0409.

To all the Executive and members we bid a fond farewell and to Morris and his clan, keep it up - looking forward to the new Executive.

Long life and Good Bless Fran Barresi Recent Vice President

Closing Notes from the President

As your President, I would like to restate how pleased I have been with the very positive atmosphere in which the members of your Executive have worked this past year. As old members of the Executive are replaced by new ones, the newer Execs will undoubtedly bring a new vitality and new ideas to the group.

Once again it is for me a great joy to invite all residents of both lakes (Latourelle and Morissette) to join us in promoting a continued healthy environment and clean lakes as a heritage for our children of tomorrow. If you are not already a member, we invite you to become one. If you are a member, promote our association among your cottage friends who are not and encourage them to join us.

At this time of the year, let us put aside our petty bickering, our conflicts with our neighbours, our complaints against our elected representatives, our language barriers, and our cultural and political differences.

I, and the other members of the Executive, extend to one and all our best wishes for the holiday season upon us. May your Christmas be merry, and may you be filled with joy and blessed with prosperity throughout the coming year. May your trials and tribulations be small, and may your rewards be bountiful. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Gossip Corner

Rumour has it that John Devlin, one of our new directors just cracked the half-century mark this fall in style up at the cottage. Lets hope he enjoys the next 50 years as much as he has enjoyed the first 50!

On the way home from the cottage, one member stopped at the "restaurant name" and had some home-baked beans that had a taste very similar to Pat Whelan's "home made" beans. Upon cornering Mr. Whelan with this information he finally confessed that he had talked to Jean-Guy (the owner of the restaurant) and purchased a large tray of beans, which he proceeded to put into his own bean pot to claim as his own. Shame on you Pat!

Executive Committee for 1998

Name Title Home Phone# Cottage Phone #
Morris Richardson  President     
Steve Slaby Vice-President     
Rita Lingen  Secretary/ Treasurer     
John Devlin Director     
Lise Parent Director     
Terry Samets Director     
Gaston Tremblay Director    
Cristian Juteau  Alternate Director     
Marcel Lacasse Alternate Director     

The executive welcome calls from members, but we would ask they be before 9 PM.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our new sponsors for supporting our assocation, and we invite our members to avail themselves of their services and products whenever the opportunity arises.

Copyright © 1996 APELL
All Rights Reserved

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Last Updated: November 28, 1997