
APELL - Volume 4 Issue 2

Changes to the APELL constitution

For those of you who were not able to attend the meeting, there were 5 changes to the constitution that were voted on and passed. According to our constitution the executive was required to send any amendments to the membership at least 10 days before the meeting. Due to time restrictions (mainly my travelling across Canada for the past 4 months) this was not possible. We asked the membership in attendance to vote on whether we should wait until the next meeting but thankfully everyone agreed that we could deal with the amendments at that meeting.

Here are the changes that were voted on and passed:

Fish Stocking

We have FINALLY received official approval for the stocking of Lac Latourelle with Moulac. Due to the recent heatwave, the temperature of the top 14 inches of water would probably cause us to lose about 20 % of our stocking. It has therefore been recommended to wait until mid-September to stock the lake when the temperatures are cooler. As a result of the September date, we will be receiving 400 more fish in September (Keep your hands off Frank!) for a total of 4,400 fish.

The roving Baker

In case you have been wondering about an individual who drives a 4x4 ATV from house to house during the week, you will hopefully be pleased to know that he is a local baker who takes his freshly baked goods from door to door during the week. The president has sampled the baked goods (they were still hot when they arrived at his door) and was impressed with the quality.

General Meetings for 1995

The next two general meetings are confirmed at the Salle des Loisirs (same hall as last year) for the following dates:

The September 9th meeting will also include elections (for the next 2 years), so be sure to attend so we don't have to re-schedule like last year.

Special Events for 1995

So far, the only special event scheduled for 1995 is the annual Cleanup day and Picnic, scheduled for August 19th, 1995. The event will be organized by Pat Whelan, and the Picnic will be held at Steve Slaby's cottage.

Executive Meetings for 1995

The following is a list of dates of the remaining executive meetings for 1995. If you wish to have a certain topic discussed at a meeting, feel free to contact any member of the executive.

The Beaver Hunt is On

A few beaver hunts have been organized in order to attempt to rid the lake of the pests that are wreaking havoc with the shorelines all around the lake. So far none have been eliminated. If you kill one of the beaver, be sure to remove the carcass from the lake, as it could pollute the lake and/or cause serious illness.

APELL Invited to Blue Sea Town council

The Blue Sea Lake town council has decided to invite 6 of the biggest lake associations to a closed door meeting with the council in order to allow the lakes to voice their concerns. One issue that we intent on bringing up is changing a few of the town council meetings from Monday nights to Friday nights during the summer, so that cottagers (who make up approximately 68% of the tax role) could attend. If you have any other concerns that you would like raised with the town council, please let any of the APELL executive know as soon as possible. A date has not been chosen yet, but we will let everyone know when it has.

Municipal Regulations

The executive has a summary of various municipal regulations and bylaws in english and french (again, thanks to Lucien Dionne for translation !). If anyone would like a copy, feel free to contact the executive. Copies will also be available at the next general meeting.

Comite des Loisirs

The administration of the comite was supposed to inform us of all the activities planned at the hall (Both the Comite des Loisirs and the ATV Club). So far, the information has been very limited. We have to conclude that they are not interested in having us participate in their events. Anyways, the following is a list of events that are planned at the hall throughout the summer:

Date Event
August 5, 6 Family Tournament (baseball, picnic)
August 12-13 Baseball Tournament
Nov 25 Hunting tournament

Worms for Fishing

The Lac Long depanneur (approx 2 km from our lake) has started selling worms for fishing. Unfortunately they are also selling leaches. Our president has informed them that we would really appreciate it if they did not sell them, as they can contaminate a lake making swimming a painful event. Hopefully they will stick to worms in the near future !!

A few fishermen have mentioned that fish that they have caught in Lac Morrisette had leaches on them. Since our lakes are connected, we will probably start having that problem as well if we don't try to control it now.

Contamination seen Floating in our Lake

Recently a few people have seen what appeared to be excrement floating in our lake. This is very upsetting to hear, that people can be so uncaring about the environment. We ask that people keep a close eye to try and find out the source of the waste that has been seen floating in the lake.

A few cottagers have been caught dumping waste from their outhouse or septic system directly into the lake last year. They are currently being dealt with by the local bylaw enforcement officer. If you notice anyone else dumping waste into the lake (from outhouses, portable toilets, septic systems, etc.) you can let one of the executive know and we will pass on the information anonymously to the bylaw enforcement officer.

I would like to remind everyone that quite a few people take water from the lake, and use it for cooking, drinking, etc. Please refrain from putting pollution of any type in the lake. Unless we take care of the lake now, there will not be much to enjoy in 10 years from now.

Lake Association Clothing

Fran Baressi is in charge of the sale of clothing with the lake association crest on it. The first order in the spring is already sold out, and a second order will arrive in time for the upcoming general meeting. For more information please get in contact with Fran.

Executive Committee for 1995

Name Title Home Phone# Cottage Phone #
Morris Richardson President    
Fran Barresi Vice-President    
Steven Slaby Secretary/ Treasurer    
Rita Lingen Director    
Vince Barresi Director    
Ramona MacFarlane Director    
Patrick Whelan Director    

The executive welcome calls from members, but we would ask they be before 9 PM.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our new sponsors for supporting our assocation, and we invite our members to avail themselves of their services and products whenever the opportunity arises.

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Last Updated:December 6, 1996